Thursday, May 22, 2008

10 Midwood: Peace Out.

After a year of living in 10 Midwood, my time here has finally (and thankfully) come to an end. Consequently, so has this blog. I think I've made my point that the building is a substandard place to live, and the fact that this blog is easily Google-able should make this information easy for prospective renters who want to find out more about 10 Midwood to discover.

I will no longer support this landlord and management company by paying rent here, and I am moving to another building in the area. I hope things change for the better for residents of 10 Midwood in the future.


The Truth

10 Midwood: Promoting Exercise for All.

Greetings, fans of 10 Midwood Sucks. We are now going on day 6 of the building's elevator being condemned by the city. I understand that elevators in buildings are occasionally closed for maintenance - but letting the only elevator in the building fall into such a state of disrepair is dangerous to the tenants, neglectful and disrespectful.

I'm in shape enough to take the stairs each day without a problem, but a good number of tenants in 10 Midwood are elderly and a few are disabled. Seeing them struggle to climb the steps is very discouraging. I feel worst for the single mother who has to carry her disabled son and his wheel chair up and down six flights of steps every day...what a good woman.

Enjoy my rent checks while you can, slumlords. You only have one more left.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

10 Midwood: Not Feelin' Hot Hot Hot.

So the "clean" elevator lasted for about three days. Apparantly, the walls of the elevator have become a sounding board for disgruntled tenants in the building. The issue this time is the lack of hot water throughout many apartments which has been going on for the last two days. I thought maybe it was just my apartment experiencing a cold spell, but apparently everyone is affected by either 1) the landlord's negligence and failure to fix the water heater in a timely manner or 2) the super's inability to identify and fix the problem in a reasonable amount of time.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

10 Midwood: Finally Being Renovated At Last.

Hello Everyone,

I realize it's been quite a while since I last posted. There have been a few reasons for not posting which I will not discuss at this time - but I am coming back up from the depths of 10 Midwood in order to share some wonderful news with you - 10 Midwood is being renovated!

Unfortunately, I think 1o Midwood is being renovated by the pack of teenage gentlemen (most of which do not live in the building) who hang out in the lobby at all hours of the night. Although I have no evidence to prove my theory, I don't see what actual residents of the building stand to gain from turning their home into a disgraceful shambles.

Let's check out the recent handiwork, shall we?


The most recent renovation is the removal of the bolts which hold the front door hinges on. Aside from making opening the front door a challenge because the damn door practically falls off when one tries to leave, it poses a significant security risk, as many people do not close it behind them after leaving paradise.


For two weeks, the elevator was covered in graffiti from various sources. Most of the graffiti alluded to one of the apartments being a crack house (this is probably not true), though the most prominent examples of elevator graffiti can be attributed to the person who went nuts with a Sharpe and explained their view of the situation across all the walls. The Sharpe Shakespeare went as far as to pen a death threat. BEHOLD!

Someone (I hope the super) tried to paint over it. Their heart was in the right place, but the execution is laughable. The paint color doesn't match, and the elevator now looks like a 2nd grader's book report with some white-out on it.

I don't know when I may post again - stay well until then. If you find the blog amusing, good. If you find it informative and helpful in making decisions with apartment hunting, wonderful. If you don't like it...don't read it.

The Truth